
Support us with a donation.

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Donation Total: €25,00

Want to know more about what we do with donations?

The Jewish Music Foundation (JMC) depends on subsidies, sponsorships and donations. The Board is unpaid. Please support us with your one-time donation.

By clicking on the DONATE button, you can pay with IDEAL and Credit Card. Quick and simple. We send you a confirmation e-mail, so you can deduct the donation from your Dutch income tax.

If you do not want to use IDEAL or Credit Card, you can also transfer directly on our bank account. Our IBAN is NL53 SNSB 0773 1714 60, c/o JMC with reference to “one-time donation”.


As a sponsor of JMC, you and/or your company can support our activities with a yearly substantial contribution. In return we supply entrance tickets; invite you to participate in our yearly sponsor meeting; mention your name, company’s name and/or logo in the program booklet.

It goes without saying that the Board will provide accountability on an annual basis to all sponsors. Please leave us your e-mail address and the Board will contact you as soon as possible to show you the different sponsorship levels.